RSV: nothing to sneeze at
"A baby in my child's daycare was hospitalized for RSV," panicked parents said to us the other day. But RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is not just a daycare phenomenon, nor does the virus usually...
View ArticleHow to help your baby/toddler/school-aged child/teen sleep
When I was a child, a special treat was to have a sleepover at my grandparents’ house. My grandfather was an early riser and to this day I can still hear him roaring “When Pop-Pop’s up, EVERYBODY’S...
View ArticleA vaccine parable by Dr. Benaroch
Does it make sense to change your car's tires one at a time? (A vaccine parable)Ron was puzzled. He had been a mechanic for many years, and had known Ms. McCarthy through two previous vehicles. But...
View ArticleCommon cold versus flu: how to tell the difference
Parents often ask how they can tell if their child has the flu or just a common cold. Here’s how:Colds, even really yucky ones, start out gradually. Think back to your last cold: first your throat felt...
View ArticleRaising an optimist
If you are in a part of the United States affected by the polar vortex shift, it’s toughto stay sanguine about the weather. How to create an optimistic child who can look at the “warm” side of winter?...
View ArticleAvoid Carbon Monoxide poisoning
More polar vortex! Here in Bucks County, PA, we are recovering from power outages and preparing for yet another winter blast. As the generators are started up, we remind our readers about a...
View ArticlePseudo flu
Award-winning journalist, mystery book author, and syndicated humor columnist Nicole Loughan interviews Two Peds about the “stomach flu” vs “real flu.” Drs. Lai and KardosDespite up to date flu shots,...
View ArticleDry chapped hands- home remedies
I wash my hands about sixty times a day, maybe more. This frequent washing, in combination with cold Pennsylvania air, leads to chapped hands. Here are the hands of a patient. Do your children's hands...
View ArticleDiaper Rash-don't be bummed
Despite what your grandmother says, teething is not the underlying cause of diaper rash. The underlying cause of all diaper rash is, well...the diaper. Whether your baby wears cloth or plastic diapers,...
View ArticlePoison Control 1-800-222-1222
Put poison control's phone number on the back of your cell phone, on your cell phone case, and on your wall phone. Put it everywhere: 1-800-222-1222.Did your toddler eat dog food? Or a berry from your...
View ArticleTake the sting out of vaccines and blood draws
One of Dr. Kardos’s kids yelled in our office a few years ago: “I’m getting a SHOT?! NOOOO! GET AWAY FROM ME!!”Even the front desk staff could hear him, and he was in the exam room farthest to the rear...
View ArticleMy tummy hurts! Stomach pain in children
It’s 24 hours after your teenager finished up a competition for National History Day. Now she’s curled up in a ball whimpering with belly pain. Post adrenaline let down? Ate something wrong for...
View ArticleI have Autism.
According to the latest CDC report, 1 in 68 children have some form of autism. April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day, and today we post, with permission, a speech that a 15-year-old friend of mine...
View ArticleAvoid Allergy Eyes
Arrggh, sitting on top of kid's items that need to be returned to Target are the allergy eye drops that need to go back to the pharmacy. With growing kids, it's an endless cycle of...
View ArticleSave money: how to penny pinch without hurting your young child
When it comes to our children, we want the best that money can buy. But the best is not necessarily the most expensive. Today we offer our pediatrician perspective on ways you can save money without...
View ArticleBring out the splat mat—cook with your kids.
When my kids were younger, I realized one way to avoid the pre-dinner time meltdowns was to enlist their help in cooking. In addition, baking muffins or cookies with kids is a great rainy day activity...
View ArticleWarn your kids: it's not smart to inhale Smarties
Where do these tween/teen games come from? Warn your kids about a game that Dr. Kardos learned about from some tweens recently. Young teens at a party took intact packages of Smarties® candy and used...
View ArticleUntil I became a mother I never thought…
Until I became a mother I never thought…I’d care if a birthday party was cancelledI’d obsess about bowel movements and gasI’d remember to reapply sunscreenI’d bake zucchini muffins and count them as a...
View ArticleSunscreens and sunburns: your burning questions answered
Just in time for Field Day and pool openings, today we provide sunburn protection information. Hot!Pictured is a kid with a second degree burn. No, this burn wasn’t caused by hot water or by touching...
View ArticleOn our minds: Concussions
Dr. Lai will be up at Brown University this weekend giving a primary care pediatrician’s perspective on concussions (traumatic brain injuries) at a parent forum. A lot has changed since you were a kid....
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