Acne: an unwelcome bump on the road to adulthood
Why does that big pimple always appear the first week of school, the night before prom, picture day, her sweet sixteenth birthday party, or any other important event in your teen’s life?A rite of...
View ArticleBring on the basics: for kids who don't like team sports
Some kids simply don't like team sports. Today, childhood obesity specialist Dr. Patricia Cantrell and Youth Fitness Expert Anna Renderer, share a piece from their fitness site on activities which...
View ArticleArsenic in your food: an update
Good News.Last year we responded to your concerns about arsenic in food, particularly rice, and shared with you the FDA’s recommendation at that time. We are relieved that after considerable research...
View ArticleFlu vaccine 2013-2014: what's new?
Pediatricians associate Back to School with “Time to get your flu vaccine.” At least this pediatrician mom does. As I try to figure out when I can get my own three children over to my office to get...
View ArticleGot milk? myths about milk
We've heard some interesting things about cow's milk over the years. I am going to share with you four myths about milk that I continue to hear from my patients’ parents. Spoiler: reading myth #4 can...
View ArticleFinger food ideas: don't go broke over toddler Puffs®
Got a baby starting on table foods and out of ideas? You don't have to go broke over buying toddler Puffs®. Babies and young toddlers don't have a lot of teeth. In fact, a full set of teeth does not...
View ArticleAnother picture puzzle-hint: stymied by the question?
“When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie…”Actually, that’s not amore, but that's a stye on this child’s upper eyelid. A stye (medical term = hordeolum) pops up seemingly overnight, although...
View ArticleAn injured limb: Should I stay or should I go now?
The classic punk rock song lyric "Should I stay or should I go now?" will run through your head many times during parenthood as you wonder when your kid should go to the doctor's office. Today we turn...
View ArticleSippy Cups are not a developmental stage, revisited
Ah Ha! Little did we know when we wrote this post back in 2010 that a study of injuries related to sippy cup, bottle, and pacifier use wrapped up that same year. The results, published in the journal...
View ArticleThe medical meaning of colors
“Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue…”Please imagine the “I Can Sing a Rainbow” song playing in the background of this post as you “listen with your eyes.” In the same order...
View ArticleBeyond Halloween
We enjoyed meeting Pediatric media expert Dr. Don Shifrin, whose interviews have appeared in numerous publications including Good Housekeeping, the Wall Street Journal, and Time blogs. Today he writes...
View ArticleEscape from Candy Land
We welcome back health coach Mary McDonald (the mom who overhauled her kids' sports snack stand), to provide advice on how to survive what Dr. Shifrin referred to last week as Candy Season.—Drs. Lai...
View ArticleGift ideas by ages and developmental stages 2013
A five-year-old boy in the office last week said he planned to go home after his checkup and play “Elf on the Shelf.” In the game, he perches very still in a hiding spot in his house with one leg...
View ArticleHappy Thanksgiving 2013 from your Two Peds
We love being pediatricians because it’s honor to be a part of your family, it’s intellectually challenging, and it gives us a chance to teach. But mostly, we love to make people feel better. We love...
View ArticleAlleviating indoor allergies
'Tis the season for indoor allergies. We’re all inside a lot, and the heat is blowing through dry, dusty vents. With our energy-saving windows and doors, we’ve created houses where the allergens that...
View ArticlePrevent colds and flu!
We have seen many patients with nasty colds lately, and we know that a few cases of flu recently popped up in our area of the United States. Take a look at “Top Ten Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu,” a...
View ArticleWhen a pet dies
Death can be especially hard to process during the holiday season. Today we welcome Bereavement Counselor Amy Keiper-Shaw who shares with us how to discuss the death of a pet with your child.--Drs. Lai...
View ArticleAvoid TV Heads: how to place limits on your kids' screen time
We know that winter break often finds kids spending more time in front of screens: watching TV, playing video games, or surfing the internet. Today we repost our suggestions to help limit screen time...
View ArticleTop parenting ideas for 2014
Resolve to raise self-esteem, foster a sense of security, and encourage independence in your children in the new year. 1-Read aloud to your children, even if they already know how to read to...
View ArticleLate talker or language delay?
We welcome our guest blogger, Virginia Li, who addresses questions surrounding language delay. Naline Lai, MD and Julie Kardos, MD My 18-month old isn’t talking yet. Should I be worried? When is the...
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